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Process optimization and quality control

Plasma monitoring

Spectropol offers tools for analysis, monitoring and optimization of processes using plasma.

Plasma - ionized matter with a gas-like state of matter in which a significant part of the particles are electrically charged. Even though plasma contains free charged particles (ions and electrons), on a macroscopic scale it is electrically neutral. Process control is particularly important in industrial plasma applications to ensure process repeatability and quality.

Optical emission spectroscopy is the technique of first choice because it does not disturb the plasma and the results are obtained in real time.

For plasma monitoring, we mainly use PLASUS products (configured systems) and we also use spectrophotometers from our suppliers to build own systems.

EMICON SA systems are the first choice for comprehensive process control and quality assurance of plasma processes on production lines. Thanks to the unique acquisition and connection of all important process data in one system in real time, EMICON systems are a global model for effective process control.


  • wide spectral range

  • real-time monitoring process optimization and control

  • multichannel

  • industrial and R&D applications

  • industrial PROFIBUS and LAN interface

PLASUS standard systems:

EMICON SA: free-standing system for application on the production line

EMICON SA-HIPIMS: free-standing, on-line system for pulsed processes

EMICON HR: high resolution system for plasma monitoring and analysis

EMICON MC: the standard multi-channel plasma monitoring and process control system.

EMICON LC: system used for the inspection of thin films

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Multi-channel system used on production lines

EMICON SA systems are the first choice for comprehensive process control and quality assurance of plasma processes in industrial plants and production lines. Thanks to the unique combination that enables the collection of all important process data in one system in real time, EMICON SA systems are a global model for effective process control.


  • Number of spectral channels 1-8

  • Spectral resolution 1.5 nm

  • Wavelength range 200 - 1100 nm

  • Signal resolution 16 bits

  • Instantaneous resolution 1 ms to several minutes

  • Sensor input 0-10V (2/4)

  • Analog control outputs 0-10V (4/8)

  • Digital inputs and outputs: TTL 5V/24V (8/8)

  • LAN (TCP/IP)

  • Fieldbus network protocol: Profibus, Profinet, EtcherCAT, EtcherNET/IP, OPC-UA


  • autonomous work (24/7)

  • Process control with PID and setpoint function

  • Fast voltage outputs for process control, e.g. gas flow or power

  • Multi-channel systems for spatially resolved measurements

  • Voltage inputs for external sensor signals

  • Current/voltage inputs for time-resolved pulse curves

  • Digital inputs and outputs for external system control

  • Fieldbus support and LAN interface for system integration

  • Preparing data for applications based on Industry 4.0 and AI

  • Configuration via LAN using EMICON SA Manager software for Windows

  • Modular configuration according to the requirements profile


  • Process analysis and monitoring

  • Monitoring and securing process stability

  • Process control in reactive sputtering processes

  • Monitoring the condition of the chamber

  • Plasma contamination detection and monitoring

  • Process monitoring with spatial resolution in large-scale applications

  • Modernization of PEM systems


A multi-channel system used to optimize and control the quality of impulse processes.

In addition to measuring spectral data, the EMICON SA-HIPIMS system records voltage and current waveforms in pulsed plasma processes (HIPIMS) with high time resolution. This unique combination of data collection allows independent control of ion density and gas composition. In reactive processes, this opens the door to separately tuning the stoichiometric and morphological properties of the layer.


  • Number of spectral channels 1-8

  • Analog pulse inputs ± 1V (2x)

  • Sampling frequency 40 MHz

  • Pulse trigger outputs analog ± 5V (1x) optical (2x)

  • Analog control outputs 0-10V (4/8)

  • LAN (TCP/IP)

  • Fieldbus network protocol: Profibus, Profinet, EtcherCAT, EtcherNET/IP, OPC-UA


  • Data recording of electrical signals with high time resolution

  • Combining spectral and electrical measurement data in real time

  • Real-time recording of current and voltage signals in the pulse process (HIPIMS).

  • Acquisition, monitoring and assessment of the shape of the heart rate curve

  • Analog and optical trigger inputs for synchronized recording of impulse and spectral data

  • All features of the EMICON SA system

  • Configuration via LAN using EMICON SA Manager software for Windows


  • Plasma analysis in pulsed plasma applications (HIPIMS, DC pulse, ...)

  • Process monitoring and optimization of pulsed plasma application processes

  • Independent control of gas flow and ion density in reactive HIPIMS processes

  • Monitoring and securing process stability

  • Observation and compensation of target erosion


A multi-channel system used for process optimization and quality control.

EMICON MC systems are ideal plasma monitor systems for R&D and suitable for almost all plasma technology applications, including plasma analysis, plasma monitoring and process optimization.


  • Number of spectral channels 1-8

  • Spectral resolution 1.5 nm

  • Instantaneous resolution 20 ms to several minutes

  • Wavelength range 200 - 1100 nm

  • Signal resolution 16 bits

  • USB 2.0 interface

  • Digital inputs and outputs: TTL 5V (2/4)

  • Analog control outputs ± 10 volts (4/8)


  • Data acquisition using broadband spectrometers

  • Real-time monitoring of plasma radiation

  • Process control with PID and setpoint function

  • Multi-channel systems for spatially resolved measurements

  • Playback of saved measurement data for process analysis

  • Digital and analog inputs and outputs for external sysdt


  • Process monitoring and optimization

  • Process stability monitoring

  • Endpoint detection in plasma etching processes

  • Detection of plasma contamination

  • Leak detection

  • Determining layer properties (LC module required)


Single-channel high resolution system

The EMICON HR system is a high resolution spectral plasma monitor and is particularly suitable for detailed plasma spectral analysis and plasma monitoring. With almost 10 times better spectral resolution compared to other models, EMICON HR provides significantly better spectral separation of adjacent atomic lines and resolution of vibrational and rotational lines in molecular bands.


  • Number of spectral channels 1

  • Spectral resolution 0.2-0.5 nm

  • Instantaneous resolution 50 ms to several minutes

  • Wavelength range 200 - 860 nm

  • Signal resolution 16 bits

  • USB 2.0 interface

  • Digital inputs and outputs: TTL 5V (4/4)


  • Data acquisition using a high-resolution broadband spectrometer

  • Real-time monitoring of plasma radiation

  • Plasma analysis and process monitoring

  • Playback of saved measurement data for process analysis

  • Process control with setpoint function

  • Digital and analog inputs and outputs for system integration

  • Convenient EMICON MC software for Windows


  • Spectral analysis of plasma processes

  • Process monitoring and process optimization

  • Process stability monitoring

  • Endpoint detection in plasma etching processes

  • Detection and monitoring of plasma contamination


Stand-alone or complementary system for monitoring thin films

The EMICON LC system is the ideal extension of the EMICON SA and EMICON MC systems for real-time in situ monitoring of transmission, reflection, absorption, color or coating thickness on a workpiece during the plasma process. It can be integrated with EMICON systems models SA and MC as an additional module. The stand-alone version of EMICON LC can be used for plasma-free layering processes.


  • Number of spectral channels 1-2

  • Spectral resolution 1.5 nm

  • Instantaneous resolution 20 ms to several minutes

  • Wavelength range 350 - 1100 nm

  • Signal resolution 16 bits

  • Light source: halogen, LED, ...

  • Coating thickness 5 nm to 2 μm

  • Color space L*a*b*, XYZ


  • Data acquisition using broadband spectrometers

  • Calculation of spectral reflection, transmission and absorption

  • Determination of layer thickness using real-time spectral analysis

  • Calculate color values in real time

  • Combined analysis of process data and film properties

  • Available light sources adapted to specific applications (tungsten halogen, LED, ...)

  • Optical components for vacuum applications

  • Program control with expansion module for convenient EMICON MC software


  • Simultaneous process and product control

  • In-situ measurement of reflection, transmission and absorption

  • Determination of layer thickness in real time

  • Calculating color values in-line and in-situ

  • Quality control


Contact us to determine the system parameters

Thanks to our suppliers, we are able to configure a tailor-made system.

Send us your expectations.

SpecLine is one of the best tools for evaluating spectral data.

The unique database of spectral lines allows for quick identification of elements and molecules.

3 software versions:

A - mini - containing spectral lines of atoms and ions

AM - medium - containing lines of atoms and ions and selected lines of (diatomic) molecules

AMS - max - containing all atoms, ions and molecules


  • Extensive database with spectral lines for atoms, ions and molecules

  • Automatic search for line peaks in spectra

  • Automatic identification of atomic and ionic lines and molecular bands

  • Overlay and compare multiple spectra – even across different file formats

  • Wide range of functions for spectra evaluation. Data import in all popular spectroscopic file formats

  • Data export to ASCII, binary and Excel (CSV), graphics export to JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP



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Imagination is more important than knowledge.

 Albert Einstein