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Spektrometry Hyperfine


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HyperFine HF Series Spectrometers

Stunning ~1 pm Resolution or Incredible 30 pm Resolution over the Entire Visible

HyperFine HN Series Spectrometers

Compact Spectrometers for Bright Sources with ~25pm Resolution

Brillouin HyperFine Spectrometer

The Ultimate Brillouin Spectroscopy Tool 

UltraBright Spectrometers

100X the light.  No Slit.  Boom.  Spectrum.  Done

Ultra OSA

Picometer resolution across the entire band in milliseconds

Custom Spectrometers

You won't find these in an optics catalog...  The cool pictures are worth checking out.

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HyperFine HF Series for Weak Sources


Kompaktowe spektrometry o rozdzielczości pikometrów do słabego lub rozproszonego światła.

The HyperFine series of spectrometers for low intensity sources are designed for measuring hyperfine spectra and subtle spectral shifts from scattered light or distributed sources.  The HyperFine spectrometer from LightMachinery is a compact  spectrometer capable of 1 picometer resolution.   Enabled by VIPA etalons produced by LightMachinery's patented fluid jet polishing technology.  

The HyperFine HF Series spectrometers are ideal for measuring fine features in plasmas, pulsed laser characterization and for measuring the small spectral shifts from Brillouin or Raman scattering.  Simple PC based software allows the user to review spectra in real time and save or export for more analysis.  LabView drivers enable the HyperFine spectrometer to be integrated into automated experimental setups.

Check out the latest research papers that have been published by researchers using the HyperFine spectrometers  here.


  • FAST, No moving parts (single shot laser spectrum analysis)
  • Sub picometer resolution
  • Fiber optic input
  • Quick data acquisition and export
  • Simple USB interface
  • LabView Drivers


  • Fast
  • Compact
  • Can resolve hyper fine spectra below 1 picometer
  • Ultra-reliable
  • LightMachinery's legendary customer support

Light sources characterization

  • Lasers of all types
  • Single shot pulsed laser spectrum 
  • Super luminescent diodes
  • Gas discharge lamps, etc


  • Plasma spectroscopy
  • High-precision gas spectroscopy
  • Brillouin or Raman spectroscopy
  • Femtosecond comb fingerprinting spectroscopy
  • Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, etc
  • Solar spectroscopy
  • Astronomical spectroscopy
  • Ultra low frequency Raman
  • Undergraduate physics and chemistry laboratories
    • Zeeman splitting
    • Hyperfine magnetic structure of elements
    • Hydrogen structure
    • Doppler shift of Fraunhofer lines due to sun rotation

Passive components characterization

  • Notch filters
  • Etalons
  • Fiber Bragg gratings, etc


Our new SpectraLoK software is designed to be a reliable, feature-packed interface for setting up your LightMachinery spectrometer, viewing spectra and organizing your data.  Please contact us to request a demo copy of SpectraLoK.

Technical specification

Part NumberSpectral RegionForm
Total rangeSimultaneous rangeResolution*Resolution
    with manual grating rotationpm1/cm
HF-8888-UVUVC200 - 400nmFixed 60nm range<30pm0.9/cm
HF-8888-UVLIBSUV (Gated)C200 - 400nmFixed 60nm range<30pm0.9/cm
HF-9332VISC450 - 700nmFixed 250nm range<30pm0.9/cm
HF-9353NIRC750 -1050nmFixed 300nm range<40pm0.5/cm
HF-7888UV Vis NIRE350 -1080/0nmFixed 3nm - 8nm range0.3pm - 0.8pm0.02/cm

HF-8989-1VISA425 - 500 nm17 nm1.7 pm0.08/cm
HF-8989-2VISA500 - 600 nm16 nm1.6 pm0.05/cm
HF-8989-2eVISA525 - 640 nm16 nm1.6 pm0.05/cm
HF-8989-3VISA600 - 700 nm16 nm1.6 pm0.04/cm
HF-8995-1NIRA700 - 800 nm20 nm2.0 pm0.03/cm
HF-8991-3NIRA800-950 nm25 nm2.0 pm0.02/cm
HF-8995-2NIRA950 - 1100 nm25 nm2.5 pm0.02/cm
HF-8995-3-PLASMANIRD775-900nm9 nm0.9 pm0.01/cm
HF-8999-PK-LLL-**VIS D See Brillouin HyperFine
1.0 pm0.04/cm
*-UHR2X resolution upgrade to any model.


      • Form Factors;
        • A  dimensions; 250 x 600 x 150mm,  weight; 20kg
        • B  dimensions; 560 x 330 x 150mm,  weight; 23kg
        • C  dimensions; 160 x 200 x 100mm,  weight; 1.5kg
        • D  dimensions; 700 x 150 x 400mm,  weight; 28kg
        • E dimensions; 700 x 150 x 250mm, weight 28kg
      • *Range and resolution are measured at the middle of the wavelength range
      • Accuracy: < 200pm for fixed grating units, <20pm for all others following calibration, an external calibration source is required
      • Dynamic Range: 100:1 to 500:1 in a single shot measurement, up to 50dB with exposure bracketing
      • Simultaneous range / resolution: >10,000 at 532nm
      • Acquisition speed: >10Hz typical
      • **HF-8999-532-AUTO is specifically designed for Brillouin scattering and includes a multi-pass etalon for 532nm elastic scattering suppression.


    • MMF input with a 10um slit, SMF input with no slit is standard
    • Low resolution mode, covers the total range with 0.2nm resolution
    • Camera Options; 
      • CMOS for laser characterization, passive element characterization, Brillouin, Raman and solar spectroscopy
      • CCD for low light applications (non -scanning of Brillouin biological samples)
      • Scientific CMOS for low light applications requiring fast acquisition
      • ICCD for applications requiring gating (LIBS)
      • UV C-MOS with good quantum efficiency down to 260nm

HyperFine HN Series for Bright Sources


Kompaktowe spektrometry o rozdzielczości pikometrycznej do mocnych źródeł (~lasery).

The HN series of spectrometers are designed for characterizing high intensity sources such as  laser spectra, the HN Series spectrometers from LightMachinery are capable of 1 picometer resolution.   These spectrometers achieve the resolution of large gratings spectrometers while covering a larger wavelength range.  Simple PC based software allows the user to review spectra in real time and save or export for more analysis.  Labview drivers enable the Hornet spectrometer to be integrated into automated experimental setups.

Check out the latest research papers that have been published by researchers using the HyperFine spectrometers here.


      • Resolution: sub 20pm at 532nm (resolving power > 25,000)
      • Accuracy: < 200pm for fixed grating units, <20pm for all others following calibration, an external calibration source is required
      • Dynamic Range: 100:1 to 500:1 in a single shot measurement, up to 50dB with exposure bracketing 
      • Wavelength range:  Visible to near IR (260nm to 1080nm*)
      • Simultaneous range / resolution: >10,000 at 532nm
      • Acquisition and processing speed: >10 Hz


    • Simple to use
    • Sub 30pm picometer resolution
    • Fiber optic input
    • Quick data acquisition and export
    • Simple USB interface
    • LabView Drivers
    • No moving parts (single shot laser spectrum analysis)


  • Range - resolution ratio up to 10,000
  • Fast
  • Ultra-Compact
  • Can measure spectra from cw and pulsed sources
  • Fast real time measurements
  • Ultra-reliable
  • LightMachinery's legendary customer support


The Hornet spectrometer is ideal for;

    • Light source characterization
      • Lasers
      • Diode Lasers
      • Super luminescent diodes
    • Monitoring laser modes in real time
    • Passive components (Filters, Etalons, Fiber Braggg gratings) characterization to the 25pm level
    • Checking the spectral / mode purity of lasers
    • Classic undergraduate and graduate experiments


      Our new SpectraLoK software is designed to be a reliable, feature packed interface for setting up your LightMachinery spectrometer, viewing spectra and organizing your data.  You can download and try it (it is a .exe file so your anti-virus software might require some reassurance)


Part NumberSpectral RegionForm FactorTotal rangeSimultaneous rangeResolution*Resolution

with manual grating rotationwithout grating rotationpm1/cm
HN-8888-UVUVC200 - 400nmfixed 60nm range<30pm0.9/cm
HN-9332VISEfixed grating425 - 700 nm<30pm0.9/cm
HN-8989-1VISB400 - 500 nm15 nm1.7 pm0.08/cm
HN-8989-2VISC500 - 600 nm15 nm1.6 pm0.05/cm
HN-8989-3VISB600 - 700 nm15 nm1.9 pm0.04/cm
HN-9353NIRA700 - 1050 nm350 nm<40 pm0.50/cm
HN-8995-1NIRC700 - 800 nm25 nm2.0 pm0.03/cm
HN-8991-3NIRB800-950 nm20 nm2.0 pm0.02/cm
HN-8995-2NIRB950 - 1100 nm20 nm2.5 pm0.02/cm
HN-93541um LasersA1010nm - 1080nmfixed grating15pm0.1/cm
HN-9352Visible & IRAYAG, (532 ±2nm and 1064 ±4nm)fixed grating15pm0.1/cm
*-UHR2X resolution upgrade to any model.


    • Form Factors;
      • A  dimensions; 200 x 200 x 90mm,  weight; 2.0 Kg
      • B  dimensions; 250 x 600 x 150mm,  weight; 20Kg
      • C  dimensions; 560 x 330 x 150mm,  weight; 23Kg
      • D  dimensions; 200 x 200 x 125mm,  weight; 2.5Kg
      • E  dimensions; 125 x 150 x 50mm,  weight; 1.5Kg
      • F  dimensions; 700 x 150 x 400mm,  weight; 28Kg
    • *Range and resolution are measured at the middle of the wavelength range
    • Accuracy: < 200pm for fixed grating units, <20pm for all others following calibration, an external calibration source is required
    • Dynamic Range: 100:1 to 500:1 in a single shot measurement, up to 50dB with exposure bracketing
    • Simultaneous range / resolution: >10,000 at 532nm
    • Acquisition speed: >10Hz typical

Brillouin HyperFine Spectrometer

Spektrometr do pomiarów rozpraszania światła Brillouina.

Make Fast Brillouin Shift Measurements with the HF-8999-PK-LLL. 

The great challenge with Brillouin spectroscopy is that the scattered signal from the un-shifted wavelength of the laser can overwhelm the small Brillouin shifted return signal.   So, we have combined our leading-edge HyperFine spectrometer with a very narrow band tunable filter to suppress the bright un-shifted laser frequency.   The tunable filter is easily adjusted to suppress the main laser peak and exposure gating is used by the HyperFine Spectrometer to drastically increase the full dynamic range of the instrument.  The combination of these two devices achieves a dynamic ratio of 65dB with our standard CMOS camera and is designated – the Pump Killer.  The tunable filter is comprised of a double passed air spaced etalon.  The etalon tuning and alignment are both computer controlled. 

LightMachinery’s proprietary fluid jet polishing process is utilized to create both the tunable etalon filter and the main VIPA etalon in the spectrometer.  The result of the combination of the high finesse elements is unparalleled sensitivity and relatively compact size, perfect for Brillouin scattering.  Brillouin measurements are now possible with a greater than 50X speed improvement over current technologies.   Welcome to a new world of Brillouin measurements, where data can be collected quickly and easily.

The high optical throughput enables the Brillouin HyperFine Spectrometer, HF-8999,  to make rapid measurements of the Brillouin shift that have not previously been possible.   Changes in the state of samples can be observed in real-time.  To demonstrate, take a look at this quick video showing the Brillouin shift of Loctite 495 instant glue as it sets.  Note the fast shift at the 100-second mark.

Check out the latest research papers that have been published by researchers using the HyperFine spectrometers here.


Complete Brillouin Systems (laser, confocal setup and microscope)

 complete brillouin VIPA spectrometer with microscope-2.png complete brillouin VIPA spectrometer with microscope-screen-2.png

In addition to the spectrometer, LightMachinery has developed a complete Brillouin system that includes a high power laser, the VIPA based Brillouin HyperFine spectrometer, a confocal beam sending the laser to the microscope and returning the return signal to the spectrometer,  a Nikon microscope with motorized X,Y scanning system to produce fast complete 2D Brillouin Maps, all required software, computer hardware, keyboard an monitor.  Everything that is required to create Brillouin Shift Maps of your samples.   Contact us for more details.

Technical specification

Wavelength ranges

Part NumberHF-8999-532-AUTOHF-8999-660-AUTOHF-8999-780-AUTO
Wavelength range531nm to 534nm658nm to 662nm780 +/- 2nm

Spectral resolution1pm
Dynamic range ,at 6GHz from pump (Contrast)>100dB
Pump wavelength filter suppression>30dB
Pump suppression filter tunability+/- 1nm
Pump suppression filter width0.5pm
Fiber inputSMF only
USB 3.1>1A required
Dimensions71 x 37 x 15 cm


  • Computer controlled alignment and adjustment
  • High throughput enabling fast acquisition
  • 80dB contrast and high pump suppression
  • High resolution and high precision
  • Easy to Use
  • Large spectral range covered in a single shot
  • Simple integration - compact size
  • An affordable device that is ready to use out of the box


Our new SpectraLoK software is designed to be a reliable, feature packed interface for setting up your LightMachinery spectrometer, viewing spectra and organizing your data.  You can download and try it (it is a .exe file so your anti-virus software might require some reassurance). Click here to download the SpectraLoK Software , this includes  a short cut to the experimental virtual camera to allow the partial use of the software without a spectrometer.

Ultrabright Spectrometer


Your spectrometer would work great if you had 100X the light.  Problem solved.  Introducing the UltraBright Spectrometers from LightMachinery.  No slit, just a giant aperture and a huge field of view.  

These spectrometers are ideal when;

  • Remote sensing  or looking at an extended or distant source (something large not a <1mm spot). 
  • Observing a few bright lines (not a broadband source)
  • The application requires high resolution 

Now you can collect a lot of light and not worry about trying to convince it to pass through a tiny slit.  We have listed here a few of the wavelength range and resolution models but many variations with more or less range and resolution are simple for us to make so let us know what you need, we are happy to help. 

Check out the latest research papers that have been published by researchers using the HyperFine spectrometers here.

Think the UltraBright might be the right choice for your application?  Contact LightMachinery to become a Beta User of our new UltraBright Spectrometer.

Preliminary Specifications

  • Acquisition and processing speed: >5 Hz
  • Greater than 1 degree field of view is typical

Part NumberSpectral RegionWavelength RangeResolution
UB-50Visible / NIRAny 50nm window between 450 to 1000nm (for example 550nm to 600nm)50pm*
UB-10VisibleAny 10nm window between 450 to 1000nm (for example 600nm to 610nm)10pm**
UB-XXUV-Visible-IRCustom - let us know what you needXXpm


Our new SpectraLoK software is designed to be a reliable, feature packed interface for setting up your LightMachinery spectrometer, viewing spectra and organizing your data.  You can download and try it (it is a .exe file so your anti-virus software might require some reassurance)

Click here to download the SpectraLoK Software , this includes  a short cut to the experimental virtual camera to allow the partial use of the software without a spectrom

Ultra OSA

Custom HyperFine

Sometimes you need something special

Michelsons, VIPAs, etalons, gratings, polarizing, non-polarizing, field widened, single mode, cemented, optically contacted (epoxy free bonded), hexagonal, square, small (1mm), large (45mm), UV, visible, IR.   Material selection, camera selection,  software, coating design, modeling of phase & polarization, mechanical design, process development, quality planning, glass shaping and polishing, optical contacting, cementing and finally testing, testing and testing.  We have made a lot variants but the possibilities and unique requirements are endless, of course that's what makes it so interesting and challenging to work on these projects. 

If you have a need for a custom spectrometer do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the various parameters and trade-offs.   Free advice is our specialty.



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