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Szeroki wybór z zakresu 340-2000 nm

F-Theta-Ronar lenses

Excelitas offers an extensive line of LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar Lenses ranging from the ultra-violet up to the short-infrared wavelength (340-2000 nm) for laser material processing including high-power, short-pulse as well ultra-short-pulse applications. LINOS F-Theta-Ronar Lenses are utilized for welding, fine cutting, additive manufacturing, laser cleaning, drilling, trimming, marking and many more laser applications

Edmund Optics low budget F-Theta lenses.

Edmund Optics® F-Theta Lenses are designed to provide flat fields at the image plane of scanning systems and are used in conjunction with galvanometers, beam expanders, and laser sources. These F-Theta Lenses feature compact form factors, offer a wide range of focal lengths up to 273mm, and large scan fields up to 164mm (X) x 164mm (Y). Optimized for common fiber laser sources and Nd:YAG fundamental or second harmonic, these lenses are available in design wavelengths of 532nm and 1064nm with common mounting threads for easy integration into galvo systems. Edmund Optics® F-Theta Lenses are a cost-effective solution for laser scanning and laser processing applications including laser marking, engraving, cutting, drilling, and 3D modeling.

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F-Theta Lenses 340-360 nm

The LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar lenses are designed to achieve aberration-free imaging for UV laser wavelengths between 340 – 360 nm, allowing exceptionally small spot diameters over the full flat image plane. All lenses are made of premium fused silica for high-power and ultrashort-pulse laser material processing equipped with a sophisticated broadband and angle optimized coating.  A large variety of focal lengths and telecentric designs are available, making LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses suitable for a wide range of laser material processing applications. Manufactured with leading-edge production technologies to ensure long-term optical stability, LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses meet highest quality standards. 

Focal Length WavelengthCoatingTyp F-ThetaMaterial Protective glassCatalog number
mmnmnmLow absorption

TFSPG 44401-576-000-21
TFSPG 114401-509-000-21
FSPG 44401-399-000-21
TFSPG 154401-511-000-21
FSPG 114401-481-000-21
Material FS = Fused Silica;         OG = Optical Glass

Typ F-ThetaR- regular;     T-telecentric

Ronar F-Theta

340-360 nm

F-Theta Lenses 440-460 nm

The LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar Blue Line lenses are designed to achieve aberration-free imaging over the entire flat image plane for laser wavelengths between 440 – 460 nm. Exceptionally high entrance beam diameters allow minimum spot size in the image plane. All lenses are made of premium fused silica for high power laser material processing equipped with a sophisticated broadband and angle optimized coating. Manufactured with leading-edge production technologies to ensure long-term optical stability, LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses meet highest quality standards, making them suitable for a wide variety of blue laser light applications in laser material processing.  

Focal Length WavelengthCoatingTyp F-ThetaMaterial Protective glassCatalog number
mmnmnmLow absorption

262450440 - 460xFSPG 304401-611-000-26
Material FS = Fused Silica;         OG = Optical Glass

Typ F-ThetaR- regular;     T-telecentric

Ronar F-Theta

440-460 nm

F-Theta Lenses 5150-540 nm

The LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar lenses are designed to achieve aberration-free imaging for laser wavelengths between 515 – 540 nm, allowing exceptionally small spot diameters over the entire flat image plane. A large variety of focal lengths in optical glass or fused silica designs for high power and ultrashort-pulse laser applications as well as telecentric versions are available, making LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses suitable for a wide variety of laser material processing applications. Manufactured with leading-edge production technologies to ensure long-term optical stability, LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses meet highest quality standards. 

Focal Length WavelengthCoatingTyp F-ThetaMaterial Protective glassCatalog number
mmnmnmLow absorption

75532515-540xTFSPG 284401-599-000-26
100532515-540xTFSPG 13 4401-547-000-26
TFS+OGPG 74401-461-000-21
114532515-540xTFSPG 13 4401-608-000-26
160532515-540xFSPG 13 4401-587-000-26
OGPG 84401-305-000-21
167532515-540xTFSPG 214401-517-000-26
250532515-540xTFSPG 214401-616-000-26
OGPG 74401-289-000-20
255532515-540xFSPG 134401-496-000-26
265532515 - 540xFSPG 214401-605-000-26
420532515-540xFSPG 13 4401-590-000-26
Material FS = Fused Silica;         OG = Optical Glass

Typ F-ThetaR- regular;     T-telecentric

Edmund Optics F-Theta Lenses

DWL (nm) Wavelength Range (nm)  Scan Angle (°)  Scan Field (mm) WD (mm) Stock Number 
532532±22.6856.5 x 56.594.5#15-185
532532±25.00101.8 x 101.8193.5#15-186

Ronar F-Theta

515-540 nm

F-Theta Lenses 940-980 nm

The LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar lenses are designed to achieve aberration-free imaging for laser wavelengths between 940 – 980 nm, allowing exceptionally small spot diameters over the entire flat image plane. A large variety of focal lengths in optical glass design are available. Manufactured with leading-edge production technologies to ensure long-term optical stability, LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses meet highest quality standards, making them suitable for a wide variety of laser material processing applications. 

Focal Length WavelengthCoatingTyp F-ThetaMaterial Protective glassCatalog number
mmnmnmLow absorption

OGPG 184401-527-000-21
OGPG 174401-526-000-21
OGPG 174401-524-000-21
OGPG 174401-525-000-21
Material FS = Fused Silica;         OG = Optical Glass

Typ F-ThetaR- regular;     T-telecentric

Ronar F-Theta

940-980 nm

F-Theta Lenses 1030-1080 nm

The LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar lenses are designed to achieve aberration-free imaging for laser wavelengths between 1030 – 1080 nm, allowing exceptionally small spot diameters over the entire flat image plane. A large variety of focal lengths in optical glass or fused silica designs for high power and ultra-short-pulse laser applications as well as telecentric versions are available, making LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses suitable for a wide variety of laser material processing applications. Manufactured with leading-edge production technologies to ensure long-term optical stability, LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses meet highest quality standards. 

Focal Length WavelengthCoatingTyp F-ThetaMaterial Protective glassCatalog number
mmnmnmLow absorption

7010641030-1080xTFSPG 224401-551-000-26
10010641030-1080xTFSPG 144401-561-000-26
TFS+OGPG 64401-464-000-21
OGPG 24401-302-000-21
11810641030-1080xTFSPG 144401-607-000-26
OGPG 24401-301-000-21
16310641030-1080xFSPG 144401-589-000-26
OGPG 54401-261-000-21
16710641030-1080xTFSPG 164401-513-000-26
25110641030-1080xTFSPG 164401-631-000-26
25110641030-1080xTFSPG 164401-631-000-26 
OGPG 64401-288-000-20
25510641030-1080xFSPG 144401-499-000-26
27010641030-1080xFSPG 164401-604-000-26
OGPG 64401-360-000-21
34010641030-1080xFSPG 164401-546-000-26
42010641030-1080xFSPG 144401-508-000-26
OGPG 64401-350-000-21
Material FS = Fused Silica;         OG = Optical Glass

Typ F-ThetaR- regular;     T-telecentric

Edmund Optics low budget F-Theta lenses

DWL (nm) Wavelength Range (nm)  Scan Angle (°)  Scan Field (mm) WD (mm) Stock Number 
10641064±18.6035.4 x 35.472.1#15-178
10641064±22.6856.5 x 56.5107.9#15-179
10641064±22.6286.0 x 86.0171.2#15-180
10641064±28.50116.2 x 116.2188.1#15-181
10641064±25.00157.0 x 157.0304.6#15-182
10641064±24.10164.0 x 164.0313.0#15-183

Ronar F-Theta

1030-1080 nm

F-Theta Lenses 1900-2000 nm

The LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar lenses are designed to achieve aberration-free imaging for laser wavelengths between 1900 – 2000 nm, allowing exceptionally small spot diameters over the entire flat image plane. All lenses are made of fused silica for maximum transmission values. Manufactured with leading-edge production technologies to ensure long-term optical stability, LINOS F-Theta-Ronar lenses meet highest quality standards, making them suitable for a wide variety of laser material processing applications. 

Focal Length WavelengthCoatingTyp F-ThetaMaterial Protective glassCatalog number
mmnmnmLow absorption

FSPG 234401-588-000-21
FSPG 244401-569-000-21
FSPG 234401-568-000-21
Material FS = Fused Silica;         OG = Optical Glass

Typ F-ThetaR- regular;     T-telecentric

Ronar F-Theta

1900-2000 nm

Protective glasses for F-Theta Lenses

All LINOS® F-Theta-Ronar lenses are equipped with a protective glass and are made of high-grade optical glass or fused silica. They are available for replacement in various diameters and laser wavelengths. The applied laser coatings achieve excellent transmission over the full diameter. 

Protective glasses


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