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Identification and characterization of fuels using Raman spectroscopy

Identification and characterization of fuels using Raman spectroscopy


With their unique hydrocarbon compositions, fuels are well suited for identification and characterization using Raman analysis. The wealth of spectral features in the Raman spectra for fuels can be used in a range of applications including determination of critical fuel parameters, fuel classification and detection of counterfeit fuels.

While the setup described here is one possible set of tools for Raman measurements, there are a number of other possibilities, both integrated and modular, to enable a range of measurements for different sample types and conditions.

In addition to the Maya2000 Pro-NIR, we have other high sensitivity spectrometers available that meet the requirement of keeping dark noise from interfering with measurements when long integration times (several seconds) are required to detect low intensity Raman scattering.

There are also a number of Raman excitation laser options available including 532 nm and 785 nm Raman lasers. Excitation lasers and spectrometers can be coupled to a range of Raman probes with built-in laser line filtering and shutters with probes designed
specifically for hostile process environments, immersion into samples and various focal lengths for laboratory measurements.

With all the choices available, the modular approach to Raman measurements provides a nearly endless choice of setups with the ability to change or add components to meet your evolving measurement needs.


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29 January 2024


Autenticity, Biofuel, Brand security, Compound identification, Quality control, Raman, Spectroscopy

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